Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tucson & Catalina State Park

We landed in Tucson - the campground is wonderful, and the weather is perfect.  We're enjoying temperatures around 80degrees every day, and the desert is starting to bloom.  We have a huge colony of prairie dogs that share the campground (the rangers correct us, saying they're marmots, or ground squirrels.... but I know a prairie dog when I see one!)

Fred has countless trails to explore- and I have countless projects to keep me entertained.

surrounded by the Santa Catalina mountains

this little critter IS NOT a chipmunk.... I know my chipmunks!

Each night a good-sized pack of coyotes ran through the campground - howling, yipping, barking.  during the day we had roadrunners, hummingbirds, cardinals and a Vermillion Flycatcher - the first I've ever seen.

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